Friday, April 16, 2010

Halo 2 - Our past, the present, the future

All of us Xbox Gamers should know by now that all original Xbox games have been taken offline. If you are reading this, and didn't have a clue, then that's really a shame because you missed a hell of a great time. Halo 2 is a definite memorable game that has many memories, moments and great time for just about anyone who has played the game. I for one, have many memories with this game. When I was little I used to play it all the time. When I had no choice to get rid of my Xbox v1, I also had to give up Halo 2. Sad days, is it not? Todays a even more sad day. Xbox Live is down for all original xbox games, and that's final.

Theres Hope...
According to Major Nelson, Microsoft is have a press conference soon and might have a little talk about something very important. Halo 2 is a great game, and it was a shame to see it go, indeed. That's what the press might be about, but I could be wrong. 15 Hours after shutdown, people continued to play XBL for Halo 2. These fans are dedicated, are they not? Thats what Microsoft want to see. Maybe they might bring it back? Make is available in Games on Demand for every and available for anyone! This could be the best day in Xbox History.

Halo 2 was a great game and I got to witness the shutdown.
Here is a video in remembrance of Halo 2 and its memories. Such a loss.

Heres a Image of Halo 2 Graveyard

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