Friday, April 9, 2010

Recruiting and Clan Battles

Today once again, I feel pressured to get the news out to you as soon as possible. We are in need of more people for our clan. Yes, we do have certain ranks, but not many. We pretty much have Member, Commander, Captain, Leader, Main Leader. Thats just about it. We judge people by how good you are, and how many kills you get in each game. If we notice you are a great player with a high rank, you are definitely looking to get at least a Captain. We also check your K/D Ration for Ranked and Social to see if your worthy enough for the clan.

This is not all, we are in need of a clan battle. The video will be posted on YouTube after the battle even if we lose. Our mission is not to make you feel unhappy so we are fair and we also fight fair. If you are interested in a Clan Battle we have information below that you can read.

Game types for the clan battle will ALL be MLG. No radars, and of course regular MLG rules with weapons and so forth. It will either be a 3 v 3 or a 4 v 4. It depends on how many people of your clan is online, and it also depends on how many people you have for your clan. (This is why we need people who are also willing to join our clan in return, for a bigger and better clan match.) We can either do MLG Team Slayer or MLG CTF. Maps are taken as a vote. We expect Gaurdian to be the top voted among us all, but I prefer MLG Narrows.

If you have any comments, questions or would like either a Clan Battle or to be one of us please feel free to contact us. Contact information is down below with our email address and Gamertags.

Email: (Required for entry)

Gamertags: MLG Mather, Suicidal Snip3

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