Sunday, April 25, 2010

Small Population - What You Can Do

We have a small population of about 10 - 20 readers who read on a regular basis. I myself am trying to come up with something that can get this number higher and higher each month so that way we can have a community of our own very soon. This is pretty much just some things that you, our devoted reader can do to help us get more population to read, and to be interested.

Our Ideas.
I have thought of opening up more of a bigger perspective of gaming. More topics that don't revolve around Halo, and more so about other games. This can increase the population by a lot. We can have different news writers here that will be either taking "MW2" updates, or "BFBC2" Updates, or whatever works. All we need is ideas.

Creating a New Subscribe Feature
I could send out messages Monthly to people, giving them a short description about our website, and what it has to offer. We can be positive about this, because of a "New Subscribe" feature. I can add at the end of my message saying "Thank for reading. If you have found this message interesting, and would like to receive more information monthly, please reply saying 'Subscribe.'"

If you have any ideas about how you can help us get a bigger and better population, please feel free to email any ideas to these contact addresses.


Twitter: Retromonster

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