Monday, May 24, 2010

the Sector Four V/S Kamikaze Overlords

As said in the post before this one. Kamikaze Lords have fallen due to MLG Mather's leaving. MLG Started up a new team to go up against the Overlords. Curious to see stats in action, how many kills got where, who killed who? It's all right here: Mather

As you can see, this is very thirsty for a 4 v 4. Once againl this will be open to the public sometime in June, and also available on Youtube.

MLG Mather Announces Disturbing News...

MLG Mather has announced just earlier today that he has quitted the Kamikaze Overlords clan. This does not mean that we will not discontinue the blog. The blog will be moved and Suicidal Snip3 will be forgetten along with the rest of the Overlord clan and who the others are. Suicidal Snip3 recently have done a Clan VS MLG Team up against Mather and his teammate. Suicidal Snip3 and his teammate were against Mather and his partner. The MLG Team won of course and easily with a wopping 28 - 50.

"The 4 v 4 will go on after we get our full MLG Team together" claims MLG Mather. This will be filmed nicely and available to watch on Youtube whenever the fight continues. It will be first to 25 I believe.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

BFBC2 - "Tied the Leader"

No doubt, Modern Warfare 2 has the spotlight even before the relase date, and continues to have many faithful gamers playing all day long with a nice amount of population playing. No signs have ever been seen for MW2 to have been dead, except for a little something we call BFBC2.

BFBC2 "Tied the Leader" and the leader would have to be MW2. Research proves that many have quit MW2 To move on with BFBC2 and will continue to stay that way for a very long time. We have decided to dedicate this post with nice Youtuve videos of the all new BFBC2 gameplay.

MW2 - First And Few

The post before this informed you that the hoster of this blog is now going to start making this a All-Around gaming blog. We decided to start of light and easy with the current most popular game of these few months.

This video is gameplay stricly for MW2 purposes and entertainment. Please be sure to visit the video's link and leave a comment, thumbs up or down, and subscrive if you would like.

New Updates Being Added - EXCLUSIVE

If you have been reading most of our blog posts lately, you know that we have been thinking about adding some new features to our blog. Updates have been made, videos are being posted frequently, more topics are available to read and so on. All of you know by now (who read on a regular basis,) we a Halo News official blog. We are going to change this as time goes on. We don't want to rough up anyone's baby, so we are thinking about doing something that could change the blog for even more views and readers. We are going to add BF: Bad Company to our news archive! What does this mean for you as our reader? You will have more posts to read, if you didn't like Halo before, that's not a problem! We'll have even more games for you to read about.

This isn't all. We are working on making this a All Around gaming blog for latest news, Gaming tips, Xbox and PS3 blogger information! This blog will be crawling with viewers day in - day out. Be sure to keep yourself updated, tell your friends and let us know what you think about out new changes that are being added.

Since we are upgrading to a all round gaming blog, this means more MW2 posts, tips and topics as well. If you have a favorite game, and would appreiciate more videos, news and topics about that certian game, don' worry! Send us a email:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

New Videos - Email Packed!

Our email has been getting some serious spam mail from our fans. No doubt, our blog has been increased by many. Please be sure to read who owns the video. Take note that I the Blog hoster, do not have anytthing to do with these videos. Anyways, Our email has been a little packed lately, so if you could narrow it down to just one mail at least per day, that would be nice!

Anyways, here are some latest submissions!

The video was created by AdmirableGore
You can find more by this user at:

Here are two more submissions from our old friend.

This video was created by MLG Mather.
You can find more videos from this user here:

This video was created by MLG Mather.
You can find more videos from this user here:

Send in your clips here:

New Video - Mather Owned YOU!

Recent footage from MLG Mather getting some nice no scopes on Scuicidal Snip3 and whodeyhackbro! Check it out on Youtube, and be sure to comment!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Halo Reach Gameplay - Before Time

Halo Reach - Wasn't What You'd Expect

Halo Reach is game that really is going to change the Halo History forever, considering the fact that it's different, and with all brand new amazing features. I have decided to bring up something that "You'd not expect." A little comparison from Halo 1, 2, 3 and now REACH. Even though we don't have all the lastest updates from REACH, we have enough to write this topic.

I'm going to compare Halo Reach Elites to the Spartans.

As you can see in that picture above, the Elites are stronger, more powerful and taller. Bungie reports that Elites really are much more faster than Spartans as well. You can see that if you decided to be an Elite in Halo 3, than you made the right choice!

Here is a picture of Halo 2 Elites, and as you can see that these are much smaller than the Spartans in Halo 2 and even in Halo 3. Ah yes, good ol' Halo 2 memories. Remember the first no-scope you made with a sniper? Good times...

All of us know that you never fought Halo 3 elites, so I am kinda pissed, considering that I am a huge Elite fan from Bungie. It's really not worth posting a picture here for this reason. But, you do know that Elites in Halo 3 we're the backbone in the Multiplayer experience and we're awesome to play as for that reason. Who doesn't love that Under-dog?

Monthly Update - The Beta is super awesome

The Monthly Update is a little late, due to some serious Blogger issues. I have had problems with my computer, and have been a serious PC gamer this past month after I had gotten Halo PC and Combat Arms. They truly are kick ass PC games. Anywaysm on the with the Monthly Update.

The Halo Reach Beta was released the 3rd of May. It's been a real joy to be a part of Halo History, and no doubt, it's been hell of a ot of fun playing the Beta. With a few bugs and glitches only, Bungie is doing great! Im sure that Bungie will have it all under control after the full game is released. On May 7th, Invasion and I believe another playlist with new maps will be released on that day as well. Although Bungie is positive about Invasion being released.

After we've been playing the Beta we really think that Halo 3 is outdated and really doesn't fit in with the gaming society anymore. I think that Halo Reach should be released even quicker than planned, because Bungie is really losing it's fans, no doubt.

Halo 3 fans are starting to turn heads about Halo Reach saying "Its not even Halo" or "This is COD." Well we have a few things to say for you if you have been one of these people. Halo Reach has it's own style and has nothing related to COD except for sprinting. If the entire "sprint" thing pisses you off, then you really aren't the smartest gamer I know. You deserve a change, and Halo 1 - 3 have been following the same stuff now for years. It's time for change, indeed.

With that being said, I believe it's time to move on. MLG Mather or Retromonster (so we used to call him.) Has been a bit more of a PC gamer just before the release date of Halo Reach Beta. Ever since then, it's been a different story altogether. After the Beta is gone, we can only expect MLG Mather to turn to the PC for fun. He admits "The Beta really is amazing and makes Halo 3 look like crap, that's why I am turning to Halo 1 and 2 PC for fun now."