Thursday, May 6, 2010

Monthly Update - The Beta is super awesome

The Monthly Update is a little late, due to some serious Blogger issues. I have had problems with my computer, and have been a serious PC gamer this past month after I had gotten Halo PC and Combat Arms. They truly are kick ass PC games. Anywaysm on the with the Monthly Update.

The Halo Reach Beta was released the 3rd of May. It's been a real joy to be a part of Halo History, and no doubt, it's been hell of a ot of fun playing the Beta. With a few bugs and glitches only, Bungie is doing great! Im sure that Bungie will have it all under control after the full game is released. On May 7th, Invasion and I believe another playlist with new maps will be released on that day as well. Although Bungie is positive about Invasion being released.

After we've been playing the Beta we really think that Halo 3 is outdated and really doesn't fit in with the gaming society anymore. I think that Halo Reach should be released even quicker than planned, because Bungie is really losing it's fans, no doubt.

Halo 3 fans are starting to turn heads about Halo Reach saying "Its not even Halo" or "This is COD." Well we have a few things to say for you if you have been one of these people. Halo Reach has it's own style and has nothing related to COD except for sprinting. If the entire "sprint" thing pisses you off, then you really aren't the smartest gamer I know. You deserve a change, and Halo 1 - 3 have been following the same stuff now for years. It's time for change, indeed.

With that being said, I believe it's time to move on. MLG Mather or Retromonster (so we used to call him.) Has been a bit more of a PC gamer just before the release date of Halo Reach Beta. Ever since then, it's been a different story altogether. After the Beta is gone, we can only expect MLG Mather to turn to the PC for fun. He admits "The Beta really is amazing and makes Halo 3 look like crap, that's why I am turning to Halo 1 and 2 PC for fun now."

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