Monday, May 24, 2010

MLG Mather Announces Disturbing News...

MLG Mather has announced just earlier today that he has quitted the Kamikaze Overlords clan. This does not mean that we will not discontinue the blog. The blog will be moved and Suicidal Snip3 will be forgetten along with the rest of the Overlord clan and who the others are. Suicidal Snip3 recently have done a Clan VS MLG Team up against Mather and his teammate. Suicidal Snip3 and his teammate were against Mather and his partner. The MLG Team won of course and easily with a wopping 28 - 50.

"The 4 v 4 will go on after we get our full MLG Team together" claims MLG Mather. This will be filmed nicely and available to watch on Youtube whenever the fight continues. It will be first to 25 I believe.

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