Sunday, May 9, 2010

New Updates Being Added - EXCLUSIVE

If you have been reading most of our blog posts lately, you know that we have been thinking about adding some new features to our blog. Updates have been made, videos are being posted frequently, more topics are available to read and so on. All of you know by now (who read on a regular basis,) we a Halo News official blog. We are going to change this as time goes on. We don't want to rough up anyone's baby, so we are thinking about doing something that could change the blog for even more views and readers. We are going to add BF: Bad Company to our news archive! What does this mean for you as our reader? You will have more posts to read, if you didn't like Halo before, that's not a problem! We'll have even more games for you to read about.

This isn't all. We are working on making this a All Around gaming blog for latest news, Gaming tips, Xbox and PS3 blogger information! This blog will be crawling with viewers day in - day out. Be sure to keep yourself updated, tell your friends and let us know what you think about out new changes that are being added.

Since we are upgrading to a all round gaming blog, this means more MW2 posts, tips and topics as well. If you have a favorite game, and would appreiciate more videos, news and topics about that certian game, don' worry! Send us a email:

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