Saturday, May 8, 2010

New Videos - Email Packed!

Our email has been getting some serious spam mail from our fans. No doubt, our blog has been increased by many. Please be sure to read who owns the video. Take note that I the Blog hoster, do not have anytthing to do with these videos. Anyways, Our email has been a little packed lately, so if you could narrow it down to just one mail at least per day, that would be nice!

Anyways, here are some latest submissions!

The video was created by AdmirableGore
You can find more by this user at:

Here are two more submissions from our old friend.

This video was created by MLG Mather.
You can find more videos from this user here:

This video was created by MLG Mather.
You can find more videos from this user here:

Send in your clips here:

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