Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Awkward silence - Forged 101

This post is all about forge and the clan.
I have been doing quite a lot of forge lately and have had fun doing it. Personally, I have always loved forge but, I am starting to get more creative with it. I bet you are asking "Awkward silence... Why does that deserve the main title?" Well heres the answer. Awkward silence of my new map titled " Ritual Ruins" where deep lies your soul. Creepy, huh? Indeed.
So why all the sudden would I want to post my recently forged maps? Too be honest, I was thinking thee maps could be apart of the clan. They could have a label from our clan letting them know that our clan helped/ completely designed the map for our clan or from our clan to you guys.

Coming along together, we have Ritual Ruins. I have dedicated this map to Wepofate (suicidal snip3.) Snip3's friend had died and was in a coma for some time and then passed away shortly after that. He was obviously sad and didn't really feel like playing with any of his friends. So that night, I dedicated this map to him.

This map that is shown below is actually created with lots of secrets. I have added plenty of secrets areas, weapons, lots and so forth. I know what your thinking "Secret areas?" No, it's not obviously a secret area. They are very tricky to find and you have to use a glitch to get to that area. The map shown below was created by me as well as commanderxbeast. *NOTE* Their is a entire left side of the map. However, the map was to large to display!

That's all for Forged101. Stay tuned for more updates, getting involved and have a great day.

"Reach, Reach, Reach"... And Crazy Sausage

Taken from Bungie's Halo Reach Latest News page.

Right now I’m immersed in the auditory experience that should become the final mix of the March Podcast. Well, not right now. Right now I’m typing. You’ll likely read this at some undefined moment in the not so distant future. Which will momentarily become your present. And is now subsequently the past.

Anyway, I just need to make sure that we didn’t spout off and say anything too revealing (or offensive). We gotta keep some things to ourselves even though Brian did let me snap the spotlight back on last week to dispel some of the darkness we were shrouding ourselves in. (The night is always darkest....)

To help keep me dialed in, I’ve slipped into a pair of Gunnars. I need to be in the zone and on the top of my game. There’s some pro caliber discussion being delivered in this particular Podcast, the details driven by a pair of veteran designers.

In real time:

Multiplayer Design Lead, Christopher P. Carney’s just checked out after laying down some delicious details covering Reach’s multiplayer design direction. Now Sage is slipping into the hot seat, ready to dissect a wealth of sandbox details, including specifics covering the differences between Spartan and Elite player models, the updated shield and health mechanics, intricate weapon characteristics, and tons more.

Sage seems pretty comfortable, too. He’s systematically targeting each and every question Brian, Luke, and I fire his way with uncanny precision. We set him up, he knocks ‘em down. Pretty sure he has some kind of superhuman Auto-Aim switched on.

“We do a little bit to aim towards your center vector based on your pitch…”

Whoa. I’d love to dig into all of the finer points we’re putting up for discussion, but I know you’d rather dip right into all the topical information we’ve just recently revealed. The Podcast can and will wait. Don’t worry, though, we’ll deliver the audio goods real soon. Like, maybe next week soon. Like maybe early next week soon. No promises.

Right now, let’s talk Player Investment.

The first question on the docket is so simple even I can answer it.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Old News... New News... What's The Difference?

If you've been checking out our website, we have hosted a competition and it looks like we're going to have a winner. We have chosen 3 amazing people who have sent in at least one film and we will have to decide sooner or later. These are the finals and they will have to come to an end!

However, we have new news, considering what you have read above is the old news. We will be hosting a new competition. We have will have 4 teams in one game. Each team will have 4 people with extremely good skill and skillful tactics. We will have new information about this later, but this is as of now official.

The prizes you can earn will be the same.
If you get MVP you will receive 1600 Microsoft points FREE of charge. The problem is, is you have to get MVP. Your entire team cannot get a card. Too much money for something we won't receive in return.

We may have trouble finding people for the contest. Please invite all your friends to read our latest news on the competition and so on.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Clan Photos - Preview of Next Topic

Well, not much has been happening lately with the clan 'n all. Hopefully you've been sending your emails in, following us on twitter and keeping up on up to date things. However, we have something that you might enjoy looking at. We decided to make 2 man clan photo's right before I posted this. Relromonster and Wep o Fate. The rest of the clan wasn't online, so we did what we could. We also are proud to announce more clan members. We seem to recruit just about one member a month. Not a lot, but eventually we'll get a clan member a week. Read on for more information about to two stories below.

New clan photos.
Yep, their here but just the 2 man clan photos due to the rest of the clan not being online. I will tell you who are the main people in each image, also letting you know who is who and who is on what side with their names.
(Wep o fate is green and on the left side -- Relromonster is blue and on the right side)

This one was a lot of fun to make. We really had a blast making all of them, but this one really stood out to me. Partially because I like the idea of bringing back the Halo 2 Main Weapon. Dual SMG's. That's beast right their.
(Relromonster on left and is blue -- Wep o fate is green and on the left)

This one seems disturbing to me. You can see Wep o fate dead on the floor while wep o fate standing perfectly fine right next to his body. Damn forge. 'Wish you could just move the body or delete it. I should of thrown it somewhere else with a grenade.
(Wep o fate is green and on right side -- Relromonster is blue and on left side)

And finally the best of them all. I personally think so, either way. This one has no main person. We both look awesome, with both of our weapon choices and pure epicness filled the picture. So yes. Please feel free to take the time and look at them as long as you want. This one just got beasted!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Overlords - Monthly Update 03/10

Hi, this is our first Weekly Update, so we hope it isn't a bad read. No, we'd rather it be a pleasant read and something you can get out of it. Well, since this is a Weekly Update, we will have some new stuff coming in and new stuff to talk about. Like what? New projects, ideas and so on. Please read on to find out more.

Twitter Twitter! I have decided to use my own personal twitter for the Blog updates, for a few reasons. One of the reasons was because I only have one email and I would need another email to make a twitter. I didn't really want to waste time on making a new email. So, I'll give you a link to my twitter. First off, it's not just used for the blog purpose only. It's used for random things, videos and just about everything you can think of.

Website Under Heavy Construction! Call us crazy, but we thought it would be nice to have a official clan website! However, this is not a .com Domain Name. This will be a regular free domain name. That really doesn't mean we're not a awesome clan. It means we're a poor clan. The website will be used for just more than Latest News and Blog. It will be a real entertainment for all. Their will be amazing logos, templates, interactive fun pages and quizez. You'll really get to be apart of the website. The website release date will be available soon. Keep your eyes out on the blog.

Introducing: Halo: REACH Yep. Halo Reach is on it's way to the market, but before it's release - you'll have the chance to get a peak at what Halo REACH Will be like for Multiplayer. Yes, sir. On May 3rd, 2010 you will have the chance to play Beta Online Gameplay with millions around the world. We would like to know what your saying about this Beta gameplay. Are you excited? What about after the gameplay. We're the new features fun? Send us an email.
(We currently use a un-official email. Still, is available for sending and receiving.

Thats all for this week! Thank you so much for reading!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Overlord Clan Videos - Coming Soon

Hi all, and welcome again. Just to inform you, our clan will have videos of us on our blog and Youtube. We just thought it would be nice to have videos of us in clan battles, and Special OPS Tips and Tricks for Halo 2 and 3. We might have movies, shows, and of course special guests! We need as many people as possible and we need more clan battles. Comment with your Gamertag to either sign up to be a actor or have a clan battle.

To continue, if you would like to be a special guest, then your in luck. However, clan battles are another thing. We are going to have a lot on our plate with clan battles from the time you read this, for about a month. Going on, special guests will have a role-play list on "what to do" and how to do it. You have to do well, and know a few things about acting in Halo. If not, you'll need to get trained by our clan. We might also even post a Tip and Trick video on Halo Acting.

So when? When are you having these videos? Time may vary, but all we can say is soon. We predict to have our first clan battle video out by April 15th, but things may not work out. As far as editing goes, we might not have enough time to edit, except for a few touch ups and speed action.

We hope you look forward to them!

Halo 2 - Sharing Memories

In case you haven't heard; all xbox v1 games will no longer have Xbox Live for some strange reason, and unknown to the public. I had just purchased Halo 2 AGAIN Because I was real sad that they are deciding to do this to all our Halo fans out their. This is real sad, and I was thinking that our clan "the Overlords" could have everyone join us in playing Halo 2 Matchmaking from now until April 15th. The sad day for closing original xbox v1 games and taking out XBL.

If you are interested in joining us, you do not have to join the clan, we just would like some people to join in and have some fun on Halo 2 before it's too late. However, if you have a original xbox v1 then it won't be possible to play with us. You must have a xbox 360.

Xbox 360 Gamertags

Wep o fate