Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Reach, Reach, Reach"... And Crazy Sausage

Taken from Bungie's Halo Reach Latest News page.

Right now I’m immersed in the auditory experience that should become the final mix of the March Podcast. Well, not right now. Right now I’m typing. You’ll likely read this at some undefined moment in the not so distant future. Which will momentarily become your present. And is now subsequently the past.

Anyway, I just need to make sure that we didn’t spout off and say anything too revealing (or offensive). We gotta keep some things to ourselves even though Brian did let me snap the spotlight back on last week to dispel some of the darkness we were shrouding ourselves in. (The night is always darkest....)

To help keep me dialed in, I’ve slipped into a pair of Gunnars. I need to be in the zone and on the top of my game. There’s some pro caliber discussion being delivered in this particular Podcast, the details driven by a pair of veteran designers.

In real time:

Multiplayer Design Lead, Christopher P. Carney’s just checked out after laying down some delicious details covering Reach’s multiplayer design direction. Now Sage is slipping into the hot seat, ready to dissect a wealth of sandbox details, including specifics covering the differences between Spartan and Elite player models, the updated shield and health mechanics, intricate weapon characteristics, and tons more.

Sage seems pretty comfortable, too. He’s systematically targeting each and every question Brian, Luke, and I fire his way with uncanny precision. We set him up, he knocks ‘em down. Pretty sure he has some kind of superhuman Auto-Aim switched on.

“We do a little bit to aim towards your center vector based on your pitch…”

Whoa. I’d love to dig into all of the finer points we’re putting up for discussion, but I know you’d rather dip right into all the topical information we’ve just recently revealed. The Podcast can and will wait. Don’t worry, though, we’ll deliver the audio goods real soon. Like, maybe next week soon. Like maybe early next week soon. No promises.

Right now, let’s talk Player Investment.

The first question on the docket is so simple even I can answer it.

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