Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Old News... New News... What's The Difference?

If you've been checking out our website, we have hosted a competition and it looks like we're going to have a winner. We have chosen 3 amazing people who have sent in at least one film and we will have to decide sooner or later. These are the finals and they will have to come to an end!

However, we have new news, considering what you have read above is the old news. We will be hosting a new competition. We have will have 4 teams in one game. Each team will have 4 people with extremely good skill and skillful tactics. We will have new information about this later, but this is as of now official.

The prizes you can earn will be the same.
If you get MVP you will receive 1600 Microsoft points FREE of charge. The problem is, is you have to get MVP. Your entire team cannot get a card. Too much money for something we won't receive in return.

We may have trouble finding people for the contest. Please invite all your friends to read our latest news on the competition and so on.

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