Sunday, March 7, 2010

Overlords - Monthly Update 03/10

Hi, this is our first Weekly Update, so we hope it isn't a bad read. No, we'd rather it be a pleasant read and something you can get out of it. Well, since this is a Weekly Update, we will have some new stuff coming in and new stuff to talk about. Like what? New projects, ideas and so on. Please read on to find out more.

Twitter Twitter! I have decided to use my own personal twitter for the Blog updates, for a few reasons. One of the reasons was because I only have one email and I would need another email to make a twitter. I didn't really want to waste time on making a new email. So, I'll give you a link to my twitter. First off, it's not just used for the blog purpose only. It's used for random things, videos and just about everything you can think of.

Website Under Heavy Construction! Call us crazy, but we thought it would be nice to have a official clan website! However, this is not a .com Domain Name. This will be a regular free domain name. That really doesn't mean we're not a awesome clan. It means we're a poor clan. The website will be used for just more than Latest News and Blog. It will be a real entertainment for all. Their will be amazing logos, templates, interactive fun pages and quizez. You'll really get to be apart of the website. The website release date will be available soon. Keep your eyes out on the blog.

Introducing: Halo: REACH Yep. Halo Reach is on it's way to the market, but before it's release - you'll have the chance to get a peak at what Halo REACH Will be like for Multiplayer. Yes, sir. On May 3rd, 2010 you will have the chance to play Beta Online Gameplay with millions around the world. We would like to know what your saying about this Beta gameplay. Are you excited? What about after the gameplay. We're the new features fun? Send us an email.
(We currently use a un-official email. Still, is available for sending and receiving.

Thats all for this week! Thank you so much for reading!

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