Friday, March 5, 2010

Overlord Clan Videos - Coming Soon

Hi all, and welcome again. Just to inform you, our clan will have videos of us on our blog and Youtube. We just thought it would be nice to have videos of us in clan battles, and Special OPS Tips and Tricks for Halo 2 and 3. We might have movies, shows, and of course special guests! We need as many people as possible and we need more clan battles. Comment with your Gamertag to either sign up to be a actor or have a clan battle.

To continue, if you would like to be a special guest, then your in luck. However, clan battles are another thing. We are going to have a lot on our plate with clan battles from the time you read this, for about a month. Going on, special guests will have a role-play list on "what to do" and how to do it. You have to do well, and know a few things about acting in Halo. If not, you'll need to get trained by our clan. We might also even post a Tip and Trick video on Halo Acting.

So when? When are you having these videos? Time may vary, but all we can say is soon. We predict to have our first clan battle video out by April 15th, but things may not work out. As far as editing goes, we might not have enough time to edit, except for a few touch ups and speed action.

We hope you look forward to them!

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