Monday, May 24, 2010

the Sector Four V/S Kamikaze Overlords

As said in the post before this one. Kamikaze Lords have fallen due to MLG Mather's leaving. MLG Started up a new team to go up against the Overlords. Curious to see stats in action, how many kills got where, who killed who? It's all right here: Mather

As you can see, this is very thirsty for a 4 v 4. Once againl this will be open to the public sometime in June, and also available on Youtube.

MLG Mather Announces Disturbing News...

MLG Mather has announced just earlier today that he has quitted the Kamikaze Overlords clan. This does not mean that we will not discontinue the blog. The blog will be moved and Suicidal Snip3 will be forgetten along with the rest of the Overlord clan and who the others are. Suicidal Snip3 recently have done a Clan VS MLG Team up against Mather and his teammate. Suicidal Snip3 and his teammate were against Mather and his partner. The MLG Team won of course and easily with a wopping 28 - 50.

"The 4 v 4 will go on after we get our full MLG Team together" claims MLG Mather. This will be filmed nicely and available to watch on Youtube whenever the fight continues. It will be first to 25 I believe.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

BFBC2 - "Tied the Leader"

No doubt, Modern Warfare 2 has the spotlight even before the relase date, and continues to have many faithful gamers playing all day long with a nice amount of population playing. No signs have ever been seen for MW2 to have been dead, except for a little something we call BFBC2.

BFBC2 "Tied the Leader" and the leader would have to be MW2. Research proves that many have quit MW2 To move on with BFBC2 and will continue to stay that way for a very long time. We have decided to dedicate this post with nice Youtuve videos of the all new BFBC2 gameplay.

MW2 - First And Few

The post before this informed you that the hoster of this blog is now going to start making this a All-Around gaming blog. We decided to start of light and easy with the current most popular game of these few months.

This video is gameplay stricly for MW2 purposes and entertainment. Please be sure to visit the video's link and leave a comment, thumbs up or down, and subscrive if you would like.

New Updates Being Added - EXCLUSIVE

If you have been reading most of our blog posts lately, you know that we have been thinking about adding some new features to our blog. Updates have been made, videos are being posted frequently, more topics are available to read and so on. All of you know by now (who read on a regular basis,) we a Halo News official blog. We are going to change this as time goes on. We don't want to rough up anyone's baby, so we are thinking about doing something that could change the blog for even more views and readers. We are going to add BF: Bad Company to our news archive! What does this mean for you as our reader? You will have more posts to read, if you didn't like Halo before, that's not a problem! We'll have even more games for you to read about.

This isn't all. We are working on making this a All Around gaming blog for latest news, Gaming tips, Xbox and PS3 blogger information! This blog will be crawling with viewers day in - day out. Be sure to keep yourself updated, tell your friends and let us know what you think about out new changes that are being added.

Since we are upgrading to a all round gaming blog, this means more MW2 posts, tips and topics as well. If you have a favorite game, and would appreiciate more videos, news and topics about that certian game, don' worry! Send us a email:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

New Videos - Email Packed!

Our email has been getting some serious spam mail from our fans. No doubt, our blog has been increased by many. Please be sure to read who owns the video. Take note that I the Blog hoster, do not have anytthing to do with these videos. Anyways, Our email has been a little packed lately, so if you could narrow it down to just one mail at least per day, that would be nice!

Anyways, here are some latest submissions!

The video was created by AdmirableGore
You can find more by this user at:

Here are two more submissions from our old friend.

This video was created by MLG Mather.
You can find more videos from this user here:

This video was created by MLG Mather.
You can find more videos from this user here:

Send in your clips here:

New Video - Mather Owned YOU!

Recent footage from MLG Mather getting some nice no scopes on Scuicidal Snip3 and whodeyhackbro! Check it out on Youtube, and be sure to comment!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Halo Reach Gameplay - Before Time

Halo Reach - Wasn't What You'd Expect

Halo Reach is game that really is going to change the Halo History forever, considering the fact that it's different, and with all brand new amazing features. I have decided to bring up something that "You'd not expect." A little comparison from Halo 1, 2, 3 and now REACH. Even though we don't have all the lastest updates from REACH, we have enough to write this topic.

I'm going to compare Halo Reach Elites to the Spartans.

As you can see in that picture above, the Elites are stronger, more powerful and taller. Bungie reports that Elites really are much more faster than Spartans as well. You can see that if you decided to be an Elite in Halo 3, than you made the right choice!

Here is a picture of Halo 2 Elites, and as you can see that these are much smaller than the Spartans in Halo 2 and even in Halo 3. Ah yes, good ol' Halo 2 memories. Remember the first no-scope you made with a sniper? Good times...

All of us know that you never fought Halo 3 elites, so I am kinda pissed, considering that I am a huge Elite fan from Bungie. It's really not worth posting a picture here for this reason. But, you do know that Elites in Halo 3 we're the backbone in the Multiplayer experience and we're awesome to play as for that reason. Who doesn't love that Under-dog?

Monthly Update - The Beta is super awesome

The Monthly Update is a little late, due to some serious Blogger issues. I have had problems with my computer, and have been a serious PC gamer this past month after I had gotten Halo PC and Combat Arms. They truly are kick ass PC games. Anywaysm on the with the Monthly Update.

The Halo Reach Beta was released the 3rd of May. It's been a real joy to be a part of Halo History, and no doubt, it's been hell of a ot of fun playing the Beta. With a few bugs and glitches only, Bungie is doing great! Im sure that Bungie will have it all under control after the full game is released. On May 7th, Invasion and I believe another playlist with new maps will be released on that day as well. Although Bungie is positive about Invasion being released.

After we've been playing the Beta we really think that Halo 3 is outdated and really doesn't fit in with the gaming society anymore. I think that Halo Reach should be released even quicker than planned, because Bungie is really losing it's fans, no doubt.

Halo 3 fans are starting to turn heads about Halo Reach saying "Its not even Halo" or "This is COD." Well we have a few things to say for you if you have been one of these people. Halo Reach has it's own style and has nothing related to COD except for sprinting. If the entire "sprint" thing pisses you off, then you really aren't the smartest gamer I know. You deserve a change, and Halo 1 - 3 have been following the same stuff now for years. It's time for change, indeed.

With that being said, I believe it's time to move on. MLG Mather or Retromonster (so we used to call him.) Has been a bit more of a PC gamer just before the release date of Halo Reach Beta. Ever since then, it's been a different story altogether. After the Beta is gone, we can only expect MLG Mather to turn to the PC for fun. He admits "The Beta really is amazing and makes Halo 3 look like crap, that's why I am turning to Halo 1 and 2 PC for fun now."

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Gone Forever - Dust In The Wind

As all of us know by now, Halo 2 has been taken offline. You, my reader, know that I a obsessed with Halo 2, and always will be. Even though Halo 2 is offline, it's never time to forget these special memories that we will have with Halo 2. Some have different and better memories. Although, many share the same. "It was a kick ass game, and will go down in memory of us all!" Claimed a Halo 2 fan poster on the Bungie forums.

Here is a Youtube video that I always watch. It's a great and sad video and really sums up the feeling I have for Halo 2. The song choice was purely amazing. How sad that Microsoft had to do this to us.

Small Population - What You Can Do

We have a small population of about 10 - 20 readers who read on a regular basis. I myself am trying to come up with something that can get this number higher and higher each month so that way we can have a community of our own very soon. This is pretty much just some things that you, our devoted reader can do to help us get more population to read, and to be interested.

Our Ideas.
I have thought of opening up more of a bigger perspective of gaming. More topics that don't revolve around Halo, and more so about other games. This can increase the population by a lot. We can have different news writers here that will be either taking "MW2" updates, or "BFBC2" Updates, or whatever works. All we need is ideas.

Creating a New Subscribe Feature
I could send out messages Monthly to people, giving them a short description about our website, and what it has to offer. We can be positive about this, because of a "New Subscribe" feature. I can add at the end of my message saying "Thank for reading. If you have found this message interesting, and would like to receive more information monthly, please reply saying 'Subscribe.'"

If you have any ideas about how you can help us get a bigger and better population, please feel free to email any ideas to these contact addresses.


Twitter: Retromonster

Halo Reach Beta - New Updates

Halo Reach BETA Gameplay is just around the corner. Surely, we all can agree that the Beta will have some temporary problems, but will still have tons of fun playing with all of our friends. This is truly "a New Era" after "The End of an Era" with the Halo 2 online play close. This post is pretty much going to sum up all new updates on what we have for Halo REACH. Be sure and visit for even more information. Take note, that we have read all of the passages, but decided to take what was most important in the topics from Bungie.

The video above will pretty much describe everything that you'll want to know about The Beta gameplay, and more!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

As Days Draw Near - The Time Is Coming

After the fall of Halo 2's Heroic Xbox Live had been disabled, most of us looked towards Bungie for comfort. Halo Reach looks very satisfiable and could possibly make us forget about Halo 2's shut down. Just how so?

Bungie has told us many things about the Reach Beta and and with plenty of details. From vehicles, weapons, maps and more, we know just about everything about the Beta. This video below pretty much sums up a great review about everything that will be in the Beta. Be sure to listen to the Map Pack part. Did you see those maps? What was your first impression?

With that being said, Halo Reach Beta will have some problems, and things to work on. Indeed, that is why it's the Beta. It's still a work in progress. Read more below for some things I have realized before the review.

1) Jetpacks - A Harmful Feature?

Most of us started to piss our pants when we saw this feature in the Trailer. It was awesome, am I right? Of course! Halo Reach really is awesome, but what are some of the things that will make us choose to not use the Jetpacks? Jetpacks, as said in the review, will make you an easier target, and will allow you to stick out like a Yellow on Black. You'll become an easier target! Not too forget tat the higher you go, the more harm will be done when you fall. The loss of stamina is a better feature than Halo 3's. In Halo 3, notice how high you can go without losing any stamina/health. It's disappointing. They definitely have fixed this for good.

2) Maps - Lazy, Lazy Bungie!

Some maps will apparently be use in the Multiplayer side, but will just have slight edits to make it available for Multiplayer. For example, they will make it much smaller to fit a size that is needed for a playlist. This is better, than letting noobs free-roam! Why are we the ones stuck with stupid Campaign maps? Can't you make something from scratch Bungie!

This is our opinion. What's your's?


Friday, April 16, 2010

Halo 2 - Our past, the present, the future

All of us Xbox Gamers should know by now that all original Xbox games have been taken offline. If you are reading this, and didn't have a clue, then that's really a shame because you missed a hell of a great time. Halo 2 is a definite memorable game that has many memories, moments and great time for just about anyone who has played the game. I for one, have many memories with this game. When I was little I used to play it all the time. When I had no choice to get rid of my Xbox v1, I also had to give up Halo 2. Sad days, is it not? Todays a even more sad day. Xbox Live is down for all original xbox games, and that's final.

Theres Hope...
According to Major Nelson, Microsoft is have a press conference soon and might have a little talk about something very important. Halo 2 is a great game, and it was a shame to see it go, indeed. That's what the press might be about, but I could be wrong. 15 Hours after shutdown, people continued to play XBL for Halo 2. These fans are dedicated, are they not? Thats what Microsoft want to see. Maybe they might bring it back? Make is available in Games on Demand for every and available for anyone! This could be the best day in Xbox History.

Halo 2 was a great game and I got to witness the shutdown.
Here is a video in remembrance of Halo 2 and its memories. Such a loss.

Heres a Image of Halo 2 Graveyard

Friday, April 9, 2010

Recruiting and Clan Battles

Today once again, I feel pressured to get the news out to you as soon as possible. We are in need of more people for our clan. Yes, we do have certain ranks, but not many. We pretty much have Member, Commander, Captain, Leader, Main Leader. Thats just about it. We judge people by how good you are, and how many kills you get in each game. If we notice you are a great player with a high rank, you are definitely looking to get at least a Captain. We also check your K/D Ration for Ranked and Social to see if your worthy enough for the clan.

This is not all, we are in need of a clan battle. The video will be posted on YouTube after the battle even if we lose. Our mission is not to make you feel unhappy so we are fair and we also fight fair. If you are interested in a Clan Battle we have information below that you can read.

Game types for the clan battle will ALL be MLG. No radars, and of course regular MLG rules with weapons and so forth. It will either be a 3 v 3 or a 4 v 4. It depends on how many people of your clan is online, and it also depends on how many people you have for your clan. (This is why we need people who are also willing to join our clan in return, for a bigger and better clan match.) We can either do MLG Team Slayer or MLG CTF. Maps are taken as a vote. We expect Gaurdian to be the top voted among us all, but I prefer MLG Narrows.

If you have any comments, questions or would like either a Clan Battle or to be one of us please feel free to contact us. Contact information is down below with our email address and Gamertags.

Email: (Required for entry)

Gamertags: MLG Mather, Suicidal Snip3

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Clan Videos - Available Now

This is a video of me, MLG Mather back when my gamertag was Relromonster. Since we have one video uploaded already, this means that we stood by what we said we were going to do. If you've been keeping yourself updated on our blog for Halo news, then you know.

More videos will be coming later of actually FULL gameplay for Clan battles between our clan and different clans. It will be truly amazing to be able to put up as many videos as we want, and when we want. Although the videos are not free and we would appreciate if you could donate at least 1$. Every penny helps us up to pay for the videos. A secure donate button will be available shortly if not already.

Halo Forum Available

I have spent time and effort putting a forum together for free. The forum has pretty much just about every Halo. It will soon anyways. So far all I have is Halo 3 related categories and as well as Halo 2 related categories. However, updates will be made daily to keep the Forum alive, at least all the way up until it is complete. We will have these forum Categories:

Halo: Combat Evolved (coming soon)

Halo 2 (Complete)

Halo 3 (Complete)

Halo 3: ODST (coming soon)

Halo Wars (coming soon)

So as you can see we are trying our best to get this stuff out to you as soon as possible. Please keep checking back for more updates and we'll have this done in no time. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for anything like the blog, website or our new forum please feel free to email us!


Keep e'm updated!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Making Changes...

Too me, I feel overwhelmed because I've got a lot of things on my mind that needs to be on the blog before I forget. Lots of updates are going through and we need to get them out to you NOW, before we get too many things to post about.

Breaking the news, Relromonster has changed his Gamertag. The Gamertag is now MLG Mather. This means that you can just call me Mather, not MLG or Ret/Retro.

Other news, I might be starting up a Halo Forum for ALL Halo games and categories. It will be clan owned, and will be known for that.

More updates on these topics later.

End of a era - The New Age

We're still kinda going crazy how Halo 2 is close to the end. It's very disappointing, but the good news is, that we'll be able to play with Bungie staff on April 14th. Everyone will leave what they have left with Halo 2 and leave the memories. At least we'll be able to remember how fun it was playing Xbox Live and such. This is a video that I found recently and just started feeling depressed. "Is it really going to leave?" I wonder.

Still, we have XBC but like I said in past posts, is it worth it?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The New Bad Asses of Halo

According to Bungie's developer blog, their will be a new special bad ass side of Halo and Halo REACH. Before as we knew it to be, the Spartans were considered awesome, and looked amazing. Not anymore, the blog describes the elites to have a higher chance of surviving IN multilayer as well as Campaign. The Elites are taller, run faster, sprint wicked fast and have better abilities with no more bad posture! Their even taller than Spartans. Heres the full story if you would like to get updated on the new epic news on whats going on over their in Bungie land.

Embracing Our Differences

Last week we trotted Luke Smith and friends out to talk at some length about the economy of Credits and how they, coupled with Military Rank, will ultimately inform the visual accouterments adopted by your Spartan avatar in Halo: Reach. This week, we decided to get a little more technical and dive into the more matérielistic side of the multiplayer coin. We’ll dig in even further in just a few, but since the two subjects do intertwine somewhat, I figured we’d begin where the two roads meet.

That brings us to Elites. We’ve already said that the Elites found in Halo: Reach were never meant to conform to the noble notion of equality. For far too long, our Sangheili brothers have been leashed – their very backs burdened by the weight of multiplayer parity. They hunched, bent to the whims of human anatomy.


Not anymore. In Reach, Elites are bigger, they’re faster, and they boast better shield technology than their Spartan counterparts. To drive the first point home – the size difference — we’ve prepped a side-by-side comparison so you can see just how pronounced the physical changes really are. Click it to check it out in higher resolution.

Size matters. And when we say Elites are faster, we mean it. Natively, Elites are about as fast as a Spartan at full Sprint. Add Evade into the mix, and they’re easily the most agile combatants on the battlefield in multiplayer.

Unlike Spartans, their health is not limited to recharging in thirds as their vitality is whittled away in stages, but will recharge fully without even the need for a health pack. Their health also recharges faster, as do their shields. Significantly faster.

So, how are we gonna work them into multiplayer? Well, in a number of ways. In some circumstances, like Arena, you’ll only square off Spartan vs. Spartan or Elite vs. Elite. In others, well…stay tuned.

We’ll dig into some interesting scenarios in the weeks ahead.
Came From Behind

In the ways to die category, let’s clear up the 120 degrees comment Sage and Josh made concerning when and where you can engage your death dealing assassination flourish. It’s actually more interesting than you might think. (And it’s actually the same system employed in Halo 3.)

The 120 degree cone is actually based on where you happen to be looking at the moment the nefarious assassin strikes. Your “Aim Vector.” Picture a triangular with its origin point emanating out behind you. If it helps, you can think of Aim Vector as the camera’s current position. If your assailant is within that 120 degree zone outside your vantage, and close enough to you to engage the coup de grâce, then you’re going down. Keep in mind, they don’t necessarily need to be directly behind you if your head's turned.

The assassinations that appear to be happening right in front of the player’s eyes in the Multiplayer trailer, are really occurring in the second stage of the assassination. It’s already over and the assassin has spun his victim around to deliver the finishing blow with a cool, full frontal flourish.

Oh, and if you watched the April Fools’ Day ViDoc and wondered why the Elite wasn’t going down with one standard backsmack, there’s no need to worry, when you position yourself on your opponent’s six, regardless of whether or not they rock the mandibles, you’ll only need to deliver one, clean crack to the back to snag the kill.
Shields Up!

We should also clarify a little bit of information about popping player’s shields. In previous titles, when you were laying into a shielded opponent and bringing them right to the brink of shieldlessness, any damage you did before the pop would transfer into their underlying health. Hypothetically, let’s say they had 5 points of shield left when you clocked them for 10 points of damage. The result would be the loss of their shields and a 5 point reduction to their heath.

Not anymore.

Now those additional 5 points are absorbed by the shields as they wink out of existence and the underlying health is left unscathed.

Perhaps the place this impact will be felt the most is in melee combat. Ostensibly this means that if your opponent is shielded to any degree when you land a melee strike, they will not die. You’ll pop their shields. If their shields are gone, however, they’ll drop like a rock.

For those fearing that this new model will impact weapons like the Sniper Rifle, rest easy. The Long Rifle is exempt, as are other weapons you might expect to be. Rockets will be a one hit kill at close range, as will the Shotgun, even though the April Fools’ ViDoc might have indicated otherwise.

Seeing a pattern develop? Shotty nerfed at close range? Elites require two melee strikes to the back to take down? 32 player matches in Reach? (Nope, still capped at 16.)

If you saw something on April 1st that got you all hot and bothered, you should take a moment alone to cool your jets, turbo.
Legit Boosting

Sweet segue, bro!

Let’s get into Armor Abilities. These are the individual player augmentations that add a rad ability that alters the way you play the game. They can be used as much as you like, with the one caveat being that they need to recharge after your engage them. And in the Beta, when you fall down dead, your Armor Ability will not be added to the subsequent estate sale.

So how do you pick and choose which one you’re currently using?
Get Loaded

Load Outs. At the beginning of each match or round, and again every time you wait out your respawn window, you are given the option of choosing a Load Out.

Load Outs are not player created or defined, but rather playlist and/or game type specific. Essentially, they allow you to choose your Armor Ability, your starting primary and secondary weapons, and your grenade cache on the fly.

For some playlists, that might mean every Load Out features the same weapon sets with only the Armor Abilities to distinguish them. For others, it might mean that as the game goes on, you’ll have access to more and more choices based on a number of factors we can fiddle with.

That's just one example to the right. Many gametypes will feature more uniformity in the initial selection.

What it doesn’t mean is that you will be creating your own custom Load Out to bring into Matchmaking. You’ll be choosing from our prefabricated offerings, based on what’s best suited for each gametype.

Don’t worry about power weapons being available right from the start, either. In most cases, you’ll still be finding those distributed via a number of methods throughout the battlefield, though if circumstance warrants it, we certainly can start you with, say, the Rocket Launcher.

And, of course, you can still loot the corpses of your fallen foes and you’ll still find sweet stashes of weapons strewn carelessly about the map for you to find and acquire.
Now it’s Time for the Breakdown

Alright, now that we’ve explored how you get your hands on Armor Abilities and weapons, let’s talk about what you should do with them. Armor Abilities first, with all due respect to the alphabet.
Can’t See Me

Active Camo can be used by Spartans and Elites alike. It grants you temporary invisibility, but the effectiveness is hampered in two distinct ways. The faster you move, the more visible you become and the shorter the duration of the effect will be. If you want to make the most of it, stand still or move slowly.

[There's a sweet image of an invisible Elite here, but you can't see it because it's, you know, invisible.]

Plus, while you’re refracting light, you’re also jamming everyone’s motion tracker – including your own. Players in the immediate vicinity will know that they’ve got a stalker in their midst and you should expect them to be on their toes.

Use it wisely.
Poppin’ and Lockin’

Armor Lock gives you a burst of invulnerability. You can click once to briefly engage it, or hold it for a longer lasting effect, but either way, while you’re in the throes you can’t move a single, solitary inch. You’re rooted. But you’ll shed plasma grenades, shred vehicles unfortunate enough to attempt a splatter, and deflect projectiles. (And you look pretty bad ass while you're doing it.)

Those that get too close are treated to an EMP blast when you exit the lock and the longer you’re locked down, the bigger and more powerful the effective radius becomes. While you’re in Armor Lock, you can’t be melee’d or assassinated, either.

So, what’s the downside? You’re a sitting duck. While you are temporarily invincible, if you deploy Armor Lock carelessly out in the open, you can bet someone will be lining you up from long range. Watching. Waiting.
See Me Rollin’

Evade lets you make a leap of faith in any direction. It’s fast, it’s tricksy, and it’s something you’ll be getting a lot of mileage out of as an Elite. It will shed locks and tracking and makes for one nasty juke when you’re in close quarters combat.

Now you see me, now I’m assassinating you.

You also grunt when you evade. A lot. And it’s awesome.
I Believe I Can Fly!

Jet Pack should be pretty self explanatory. You can hold the button for an extended burst or feather it after a jump for just a little more height. If you’re get too close to the sun, you’ll need to worry about the landing, so make sure you save some juice to soften the approach.

Of course, while you’re aloft, you’re completely without cover and your ability to get shifty is severely hampered. If someone has you in their sights, your only real recourse is to fall away and hope you find cover before they clip your wings (though you can return fire from your airy perch).

You’re also susceptible to EMP bursts from Plasma Pistol charges and the Grenade Launcher. While you’re controlling the skies, make sure you keep your head on a swivel. You might feel like Superman, but you won’t be stopping any speeding bullets, Clark.
I was Running and Running…

Sprint is Spartan only and should be pretty self-explanatory. It gives you a quick burst of speed, but while you’re at a dead run, you can’t get all offensive. If you want to engage, you have to let off and regain your composure.

It’s weapons down during the duration of your marathon session.
Weapons Up!

We’ve been seeing a lot of confusion swirling around Reach’s ordnance. Since the dust has settled a bit after the recent media barrage, let’s do some clean up.

Straight away, Sage wanted me to clear a couple of things up. On our most recent Podcast, he said some things he thought we should address. First, the Assassination Train scenario won’t make Beta. You won’t be playing the caboose to a deadly ten player choo choo.

That’d be inappropriate anyway, right? Get your mind out of the gutter.

Secondly, grenades will not asplode when you shoot them on the ground. Didn’t make it into the build in time, but it’s still in the works for retail. You can still shoot grenades out of the air, though, and frags will still do minor impact damage should you bean another player with a direct shot. Which is awesome. And hilarious.

I’m sure we’ll all make do and nobody will start a thread about how Reach is now destined to fail as a result of these two minor omissions from the Beta. Because we are all polite, understanding adults who refuse to succumb to hyperbole and immaturity, right?

Uh huh. Anyway, here’s the rundown on some stuff that is in.
Five Shottin’ Fools

You’ve probably heard that both the Designated Marksman Rifle and the Magnum are now five shot kills. Four anywhere followed by one to the face. So, how then, are these two weapons different? One big tenet of Reach’s core multiplayer weapon design was to give each weapon its own unique role, right?

Right. But better grab hold of something solid, I’m gonna totally freak you out right now. Ready?

As is, in the Beta, the Magnum will take down a fully shielded player, from start to finish, almost twice as quickly as the DMR will.
Still with me? Good. Deep breaths, there’s some big caveats.

First, the Magnum gets squirrely if you go all out and squeeze off rounds as fast as you possibly can. Real squirrely. You’re better off sticking with the proper cadence relayed to you through the reticule bloom. That’s your sweet spot. Know it. Respect it.

Second, the Magnum’s maximum effectiveness is found at short to mid range, fitting snugly between the Assault Rifle and the DMR. And while the DMR may take some extra time to take down a player, at mid to long range, it’s easily the more effective weapon due to its magnified scope and reduced recoil.

If you have the Magnum, you don't want to engage a DMR user at long range. Unless you want to die. Then, by all means.

And the Assault Rifle? It’s your go to rifle at close to mid range. You’ll definitely want to feather the trigger to take down shields and make your assault as personal as possible, just like you did in Halo 3, even though it's been tuned a little to favor accuracy over straight up aggression.

Ultimately the choice between the Assault Rifle and the Magnum may come down to personal preference, play style, and the situation you happen to find yourself in. It’s nuanced. Good thing is you’ll get tons of hands on time with all three by way of the Beta. And of course, we need to mention, that all of these details, every single one, are subject to change.
Plasma What?

Plasma Repeater. It’s a bit different that the Plasma Rifle you’ve become accustomed to. It still sends out a steady stream of bright blue plasma bolts, but the cadence will taper off as the weapon overheats. And while you’ll never need to worry about it rendering the weapon useless as it cools, you’ll need to vent it out if you want to run it at full speed using the reload button.

Since dual wielding is out, our guys needed a more effective native weapon to strap into an Elite’s hands. The Repeater is, essentially, the Assault Rifle’s counterpart, but it’s a little too effective for use in campaign. So when you’re in that space, you’ll likely see Elites utilizing the Plasma Rifle you’re already familiar with.

The Plasma Launcher can send a volley of one to four plasma explosives toward your opponent, depending on how long you keep your finger on the trigger. How many rounds you’re prepping is communicated to you through a nifty combination of visual and audio cues. And when you see and hear it coming your way, you need to find some cover. Fast.

The rounds will track both infantry and vehicles, but don’t freak out, the magnetism is more akin to the Needler than it is the Missile Pod. Vehicles are much easier to hit, given their size, but if you play it right, you can affix an explosive round to some poor sucker’s face.

Suffice to say, if it’s featured on a map, you’ll want to know where it is at all times.
Stay Focused

The Focus Rifle takes the Sentinel Beam and the Beam Rifle and combines the two weapon’s traits for some deliciously deadly peanut butter and chocolate type death dealing action. Zoom in and hold the focused beam on your opponent and you’ll tear through their shields and take out their health pretty quickly. Even if you don’t kill your enemy, you can bet they’ll be encouraged to give up their ground and get behind something that doesn’t smell like burning.

It’s a bit like herding goats. With a laser beam. Not that I have any firsthand knowledge.
Prepare to Launch

The Grenade Launcher, or “Pro Pipe” as it’s come to be known inside the studio on the heels of Hoovaloov’s Multiplayer Trailer dissection, is also something you’ll want to spend some quality time with. If you point and shoot with a single pull of the trigger, you’ll send an explosive round out into the world. If it hits your target dead on, it will explode. If it bounces, it’ll arm much like a frag and explode after a short spell.

But if you hold the trigger after you fire, the round will not detonate until you release your death grip. If you let the round come to rest, it’ll remain in play until you decide that it’s your opportunity to blow. And if you want to arc it and time the detonation mid air using the same method, you can do that, too.

The round itself will do impact damage to an opponent even if you don’t detonate it, much like frag grenades now will, and when it does explode it also produces a fairly sizable EMP blast that will damage and deactivate the type of stuff you would expect it too.
Mount Up

The vehicle stable at play in the Beta are all machines you should feel comfortable with when you get behind the wheel, but there are some small differences you need to know about.

The Warthog’s chain gun will now overheat after prolonged use and the Scorpion once again features a secondary machine gun turret (which looks hilariously awesome when occupied by an Elite).

The Ghost, the Banshee, and the Wraith are largely identical to their Halo 3 counterparts, and as you can see, they, along with just about everything else, have been pimped out and prettied up something fierce.

Sharp Knees

Oh, and we know some of sweet delectables from the recent batch of sweet screenshots feature Spartans with some strange lookin’ knees. Bugged, researched, and resolved. When you suit up in the public Beta, your delicate knee caps will be fully protected.

No Roadhouse action, Miho.
They’re Taking Bravo!

Speaking of builds, we closed out our internal Alpha this week. It’s a testament to the team’s hard work, resolve, and wealth of experience that even at Alpha the game is loads of fun. But while the games were good, we also got some good data and we’re using it to better the experience across the board.

Internal Beta will go live shortly, featuring all kinds of fancy improvements. If things change significantly from there to Delta, which again is what you will come to know as the public Beta, we’ll make sure you get up to speed.
For the Trees

And speaking of improvements, Marcus continues his campaign crusade with no signs of slowing. If you want to get the latest insights into the Halo: Reach development cycle, you should head over to Noble Actual
Reach Fools 2010

If you missed our April Fools’ offering, don’t worry. We’re not going to take it down this year. It was a bit, you know, obvious. We’ll inline it in case you weren’t in on the joke.

That's all for now on Bungie bloggin'!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The End Is Near

Each day is getting closer and closer to April 15th which is going to be a sad day for all Halo 2 fans around the world who like Matchmaking. Yes, indeed but we have discovered a new program called Xbox-connect which allows you to pretty much access XBOX live from your computer for about 14.99$ Before we continue, we would like you to keep in mind that we are no part of advertising their new program.

So about this XBC; the program basically requires a computer, Xbox and Ethernet cable. Im not sure if missing anything, but please comment below if we are missing something. It has little cost for such a great value, only 14.99 (so we believe) and it's great for all the Halo 2 players. We have a few things to say. Halo 2 is a great game, most of us know that the game is damn near dead in some matchmaking playlists and I wonder how much more dead it will be with XBC. You might be lucky if you can get a full game, so is it really worth it?

XBC is not the only solution. People are talking on the Bungie forums, discussing about getting Halo 2 for PC. If you are not informed, Halo 2 is only going to be unavailable to the XBOX and XBOX360 (unless you have XBC.) Is PC the best decision? Hacks, lagers, control types, all really make the game terrible. They fill the game and make it very unpleasant for most gamers. Don't forget about all those weird floor glitches and severe graphic issues. Is it really worth it?

As you can see our point, Halo 2 is coming to a end and their is just about nothing we can do to keep it alive. It's going to be gone forever and that's that. I suggest that we all let it die with all of our good memories. The game was great but it's not the end of the world. We still have Halo CE, Halo REACH coming out and Halo 3... Not much said... So are we going to let it die? That's your choice. My choice has already been made. Im letting it die with great memories!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Lame Truth - The Good Lies

This is just something I've been noticing whenever I go into any MLG playlist for Halo 3.
Has anyone ever taken the time to look at how challenging MLG is at such a low rank? I consider a low rank a 20 and below. So about this entire MLG thing I am just going to show some respect for people who are real good at MLG playlist. It's just amazing to see people who can get no scopes across the map and consider it "a Average" snipe. Below you can find just a FEW MLG videos of full game footages. Check e'm out.

So what's up with the lame truth? The lame truth is, that if you are a regular Halo 3 MLG player, then you'll have some trouble getting past a rank of 20 in MLG. The Good Lies that you can tell yourself, is that you're a really good player and that no matter what anyone said, you'll always be the best player... In the world. (or on your block...)

Heres another awesome MLG gameplay video.

That's all for the day. Thanks for watching, and reading!

The New Named - Monthly Update

Getting along some information for the Monthly Update, we have some important news for all who are interested in joining the clan and would like to send us messages. "The New Named" serves it's title, simply because the member of the clan Wepofate has changed his gamertag. He will now go by Suicidal Snip3. Changing your gamertag is something that can be bad, if we don't let you know about it. That's why we are letting you know it from us. That is not all about Changing Gamertags. The man behind the clan who we knew as Relromonster will be changing his name as well. Not sure when, or what to but at least you have the idea of what might happen in the near future as well.

It's April 1st, 2010 and it's getting closer each day to the closing date of all original Xbox games. I am still in shock of how they could do this to us, because of Halo 2. Halo 2 had the best Matchmaking in my eyes, and I needed to play it more. I was wondering if their was something that we could do to maybe perhaps, CONVINCE Microsoft to not close this forever. Maybe if we send a ton of emails to Microsoft explaining the sorrow?
Heres Microsoft Gaming email:
Let them know how you feel about Halo 2.

As you have already noticed, I have put together a logo, and put it on our website, as well as here on the blog! I will be creating new logos for the website before I release them here to the blog, so if you would like to check it out here's the link: As far as the logos for the website are going, it's been fun creating them. You should be seeing some new pages coming in but we're running low on ideas. Send us a email with ideas here:

That is all for now reader.

Sincerely, Ret

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Awkward silence - Forged 101

This post is all about forge and the clan.
I have been doing quite a lot of forge lately and have had fun doing it. Personally, I have always loved forge but, I am starting to get more creative with it. I bet you are asking "Awkward silence... Why does that deserve the main title?" Well heres the answer. Awkward silence of my new map titled " Ritual Ruins" where deep lies your soul. Creepy, huh? Indeed.
So why all the sudden would I want to post my recently forged maps? Too be honest, I was thinking thee maps could be apart of the clan. They could have a label from our clan letting them know that our clan helped/ completely designed the map for our clan or from our clan to you guys.

Coming along together, we have Ritual Ruins. I have dedicated this map to Wepofate (suicidal snip3.) Snip3's friend had died and was in a coma for some time and then passed away shortly after that. He was obviously sad and didn't really feel like playing with any of his friends. So that night, I dedicated this map to him.

This map that is shown below is actually created with lots of secrets. I have added plenty of secrets areas, weapons, lots and so forth. I know what your thinking "Secret areas?" No, it's not obviously a secret area. They are very tricky to find and you have to use a glitch to get to that area. The map shown below was created by me as well as commanderxbeast. *NOTE* Their is a entire left side of the map. However, the map was to large to display!

That's all for Forged101. Stay tuned for more updates, getting involved and have a great day.

"Reach, Reach, Reach"... And Crazy Sausage

Taken from Bungie's Halo Reach Latest News page.

Right now I’m immersed in the auditory experience that should become the final mix of the March Podcast. Well, not right now. Right now I’m typing. You’ll likely read this at some undefined moment in the not so distant future. Which will momentarily become your present. And is now subsequently the past.

Anyway, I just need to make sure that we didn’t spout off and say anything too revealing (or offensive). We gotta keep some things to ourselves even though Brian did let me snap the spotlight back on last week to dispel some of the darkness we were shrouding ourselves in. (The night is always darkest....)

To help keep me dialed in, I’ve slipped into a pair of Gunnars. I need to be in the zone and on the top of my game. There’s some pro caliber discussion being delivered in this particular Podcast, the details driven by a pair of veteran designers.

In real time:

Multiplayer Design Lead, Christopher P. Carney’s just checked out after laying down some delicious details covering Reach’s multiplayer design direction. Now Sage is slipping into the hot seat, ready to dissect a wealth of sandbox details, including specifics covering the differences between Spartan and Elite player models, the updated shield and health mechanics, intricate weapon characteristics, and tons more.

Sage seems pretty comfortable, too. He’s systematically targeting each and every question Brian, Luke, and I fire his way with uncanny precision. We set him up, he knocks ‘em down. Pretty sure he has some kind of superhuman Auto-Aim switched on.

“We do a little bit to aim towards your center vector based on your pitch…”

Whoa. I’d love to dig into all of the finer points we’re putting up for discussion, but I know you’d rather dip right into all the topical information we’ve just recently revealed. The Podcast can and will wait. Don’t worry, though, we’ll deliver the audio goods real soon. Like, maybe next week soon. Like maybe early next week soon. No promises.

Right now, let’s talk Player Investment.

The first question on the docket is so simple even I can answer it.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Old News... New News... What's The Difference?

If you've been checking out our website, we have hosted a competition and it looks like we're going to have a winner. We have chosen 3 amazing people who have sent in at least one film and we will have to decide sooner or later. These are the finals and they will have to come to an end!

However, we have new news, considering what you have read above is the old news. We will be hosting a new competition. We have will have 4 teams in one game. Each team will have 4 people with extremely good skill and skillful tactics. We will have new information about this later, but this is as of now official.

The prizes you can earn will be the same.
If you get MVP you will receive 1600 Microsoft points FREE of charge. The problem is, is you have to get MVP. Your entire team cannot get a card. Too much money for something we won't receive in return.

We may have trouble finding people for the contest. Please invite all your friends to read our latest news on the competition and so on.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Clan Photos - Preview of Next Topic

Well, not much has been happening lately with the clan 'n all. Hopefully you've been sending your emails in, following us on twitter and keeping up on up to date things. However, we have something that you might enjoy looking at. We decided to make 2 man clan photo's right before I posted this. Relromonster and Wep o Fate. The rest of the clan wasn't online, so we did what we could. We also are proud to announce more clan members. We seem to recruit just about one member a month. Not a lot, but eventually we'll get a clan member a week. Read on for more information about to two stories below.

New clan photos.
Yep, their here but just the 2 man clan photos due to the rest of the clan not being online. I will tell you who are the main people in each image, also letting you know who is who and who is on what side with their names.
(Wep o fate is green and on the left side -- Relromonster is blue and on the right side)

This one was a lot of fun to make. We really had a blast making all of them, but this one really stood out to me. Partially because I like the idea of bringing back the Halo 2 Main Weapon. Dual SMG's. That's beast right their.
(Relromonster on left and is blue -- Wep o fate is green and on the left)

This one seems disturbing to me. You can see Wep o fate dead on the floor while wep o fate standing perfectly fine right next to his body. Damn forge. 'Wish you could just move the body or delete it. I should of thrown it somewhere else with a grenade.
(Wep o fate is green and on right side -- Relromonster is blue and on left side)

And finally the best of them all. I personally think so, either way. This one has no main person. We both look awesome, with both of our weapon choices and pure epicness filled the picture. So yes. Please feel free to take the time and look at them as long as you want. This one just got beasted!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Overlords - Monthly Update 03/10

Hi, this is our first Weekly Update, so we hope it isn't a bad read. No, we'd rather it be a pleasant read and something you can get out of it. Well, since this is a Weekly Update, we will have some new stuff coming in and new stuff to talk about. Like what? New projects, ideas and so on. Please read on to find out more.

Twitter Twitter! I have decided to use my own personal twitter for the Blog updates, for a few reasons. One of the reasons was because I only have one email and I would need another email to make a twitter. I didn't really want to waste time on making a new email. So, I'll give you a link to my twitter. First off, it's not just used for the blog purpose only. It's used for random things, videos and just about everything you can think of.

Website Under Heavy Construction! Call us crazy, but we thought it would be nice to have a official clan website! However, this is not a .com Domain Name. This will be a regular free domain name. That really doesn't mean we're not a awesome clan. It means we're a poor clan. The website will be used for just more than Latest News and Blog. It will be a real entertainment for all. Their will be amazing logos, templates, interactive fun pages and quizez. You'll really get to be apart of the website. The website release date will be available soon. Keep your eyes out on the blog.

Introducing: Halo: REACH Yep. Halo Reach is on it's way to the market, but before it's release - you'll have the chance to get a peak at what Halo REACH Will be like for Multiplayer. Yes, sir. On May 3rd, 2010 you will have the chance to play Beta Online Gameplay with millions around the world. We would like to know what your saying about this Beta gameplay. Are you excited? What about after the gameplay. We're the new features fun? Send us an email.
(We currently use a un-official email. Still, is available for sending and receiving.

Thats all for this week! Thank you so much for reading!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Overlord Clan Videos - Coming Soon

Hi all, and welcome again. Just to inform you, our clan will have videos of us on our blog and Youtube. We just thought it would be nice to have videos of us in clan battles, and Special OPS Tips and Tricks for Halo 2 and 3. We might have movies, shows, and of course special guests! We need as many people as possible and we need more clan battles. Comment with your Gamertag to either sign up to be a actor or have a clan battle.

To continue, if you would like to be a special guest, then your in luck. However, clan battles are another thing. We are going to have a lot on our plate with clan battles from the time you read this, for about a month. Going on, special guests will have a role-play list on "what to do" and how to do it. You have to do well, and know a few things about acting in Halo. If not, you'll need to get trained by our clan. We might also even post a Tip and Trick video on Halo Acting.

So when? When are you having these videos? Time may vary, but all we can say is soon. We predict to have our first clan battle video out by April 15th, but things may not work out. As far as editing goes, we might not have enough time to edit, except for a few touch ups and speed action.

We hope you look forward to them!

Halo 2 - Sharing Memories

In case you haven't heard; all xbox v1 games will no longer have Xbox Live for some strange reason, and unknown to the public. I had just purchased Halo 2 AGAIN Because I was real sad that they are deciding to do this to all our Halo fans out their. This is real sad, and I was thinking that our clan "the Overlords" could have everyone join us in playing Halo 2 Matchmaking from now until April 15th. The sad day for closing original xbox v1 games and taking out XBL.

If you are interested in joining us, you do not have to join the clan, we just would like some people to join in and have some fun on Halo 2 before it's too late. However, if you have a original xbox v1 then it won't be possible to play with us. You must have a xbox 360.

Xbox 360 Gamertags

Wep o fate

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Overlords - Recruitment Center

Are you a great player? Do you have no lag, or very little? Do you think you have what it takes to join a top-ranked clan? If you answered yes to just about all these questions, then the Kamikaze Overlords may be for you. We are looking for players who really know what they're doing when it comes to Halo 3. We need people who can do THESE Things for us (below.)

- Specialize
You must specialize in a certain weapon, and weapon range. For example; you can take a sniper for example. Then you will have a Far Ranged combat specialization. You may choose up to 3 weapons to specialize in.

- Get Tested
No, not for STD's, but for skill range. We need to make sure your're the hot stuff we need you to be. If your not nearly as good as all of our clan members, then you're not what we are looking for. We will also be asking certain questions.

- Ready?
If your ready, and you would like to contact one of the members or leaders then check out the clan members and leaders below!
Leader: Blazeman78
Commander: Wep o Fate
Member: Relromonster

Contact any one of those, we'll be glad to set up a time and date for your fight with us.

The Overlords - The Bad, The Few & Dangerous

Hi there! If you are reading this, you must be interested in reading a little bit about the Overlords. What are the Overlords, and who are you with, you may be asking. I will answer all questions shortly below. First off, we are the Kamikaze Overlords. Not just the Overlords. Some say KO's - Overlords - Or the entire thing. So what are we? We are a Halo Clan, coming from different cities, lands, and states. We are always recruiting and looking for great players with great connections.

Whats the blog for? The blog is basically used for Clan Updates, Clan Battle schedules, Recruitment plans, and overall, issues with the clan. Keep updated by reading weekly, or catch up late with just monthly reads.

Is That All? No, I'm not done. Below I will write down the clan members so far - just to get to know us. We also will have a twitter soon, so keep your eyes peeled and ready to follow us on twitter and become a fan on Facebook! Also stay alert for amazing snapshots, clan videos and more.

Blazeman78 - Clan Leader
This guy really knows his stuff, and great in combat. He prefers to use a Assault Rifle over the Battle Rifle, and likes to do plenty of Custom Games.

Wep o Fate - Commander
This dude rocks your socks, and really knows what to do with his guns when he's given them. Watch yourself around this guy...Very sneaky.

Relromonster - Original Member
Don't let this "Original Member' fool you. He has taken down 10 opponents by himself and has broken sweat while doing so. Yes, that may sound like lies, but its true.

Stay tuned for more updates!